Bespoke agreements which prioritise your commercial objectives.
If you own a business with other shareholders, we strongly recommend that you put in place a robust shareholder agreement, covering all eventualities.
This is very straight-forward to do when all parties are on good terms, and will give you and your partners an agreed framework to work within, as well as an exit strategy.
If left until a dispute arises, an agreement is difficult to negotiate and it is not uncommon for a successful, profitable business to be left valueless.
A Joint Venture (“JV”) is a similar concept, typically applying to a new business start-up where assets, financial contributions and know-how are brought over from two or more existing businesses.
Our Shareholder Agreements and Joint Venture Agreements are always tailor-made to protect our clients’ interests.
Let our experienced consultants ensure that you have the necessary agreements in place for your business to succeed.
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