In this blog, Goldstein Legal will be shining a well-deserved light on one of our long- term and most successful franchise clients, homecare provider Right at Home UK.
We recently spoke to Right at Home about their commitment to the community, their efficient response to the current pandemic, and their EWiF nominations for Woman Franchisor of the Year and Woman Franchisee of the Year.
Community Commitment
Right at Home UK actively encourage community engagement with their care clients, especially cross-generational correspondence. Most recently, clients in South Liverpool received hand-made bouquets from students at Northcote Primary School. The students, children of key workers who are continuing to go to work during the Covid-19 outbreak, made the bouquets with the hope of lifting the spirits of those isolating during this uncertain time. The endeavour also saw a response from the recipients who were touched to receive such thoughtful gifts.
You can read more about the initiative on the Right at Home website, it is bound to put a smile on your face –
Right at Home Taskforce
Aware of the huge impact Coronavirus could have on clients and their families, Right at Home developed a Taskforce made up of key members of senior management and franchisees across the network. The Taskforce remain in contact daily, keeping abreast of the rapidly changing situation, and have created a Coronavirus information hub for their clients. They have also developed a separate internal resource centre for their franchisees, and a booklet on mental health and wellbeing for their CareGivers. In order to lift morale, the team are also ensuring their clients are kept active and stimulated by posting activities on social media, and maintain regular contact with all CareGivers through weekly phone conferences. These measures, among others, have helped Right at Home continue to protect their network during this uncertain time.
Right at Home’s guiding principle through these challenging times has always been to do whatever is in their power to keep their clients safe and feeling cared for, at a time when clients need their services more than ever.
CEO of Right at Home UK, Ken Deary, commented, “We are incredibly proud of our care teams. They are doing an exceptional job during these challenging times to support those in our local communities who need us most. Working in social care is far more than a business or a job: it is a vocation.”
You can read more about the steps being taken by Right at Home in response to the Covid-19 outbreak on their website –
EWIF Nominations
Goldstein Legal were excited to read the recent shortlist released by Encouraging Women into Franchising (EWiF) and come across not one, but two Right at Home nominees! Chief Operating Officer, Lucy Campbell, received a nomination for Woman Franchisor of the Year. Similarly, Sam Wright, owner of Right at Home High Wycombe, was shortlisted for Woman Franchisee of the Year.
A dedicated member of the Right at Home team, Lucy Campbell has been with the franchise for 5 years. During that time, Lucy’s drive and commitment have seen her continually promoted, first to the role of Group Director of Operations, and more recently to her current position as Chief Operating Officer. Lucy’s passion for the business saw Right at Home achieve a Good or Outstanding compliance rating of 100% from the Care Quality Commission in 2019, and the franchise is also the most highly recommended national home care provider on the independent review site Her ability to take on new responsibilities has permitted CEO Ken Deary the chance to spend more time giving back to the franchise community in his role as Vice-Chairman of the British Franchising Association (bfa.)
The EWiF awards seek to encourage women into business, with a focus on the franchising industry. Goldstein Legal were delighted to see the nominations for both Lucy and Sam, and we wish them the best of luck on the night!
You Can Help
Right at Home have recently launched a national recruitment line, open seven days a week, with the intention of filling 1,000 vacancies across more than 60 locations in England and Wales. They are looking for people to join their army of caregivers to support those who need them most during the current coronavirus outbreak. If you, or someone you know is available to assist, please call 0333 015 0664.
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