Franchise Disputes

Leading the way in franchise law with no-nonsense advice that puts you first.

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A franchisor dispute can be highly stressful and if you have invested heavily in your new business venture, the stakes can be high.

But while litigation is always a daunting prospect, you’re not alone. Our expert franchise lawyers will stand by you and advise on:

Exiting a franchise relationship without liability or penalties, when the relationship has broken down.

Disputing the validity and enforceability of onerous provisions in franchise agreements.

Claiming damages for misrepresentation, where franchisees have been seriously misled by their franchisor about the prospects of the franchising business.

Defending claims by franchisors for breach of contract.

Franchise litigation – is the tide turning?

We have seen some important legal decisions lately, very much to the benefit of franchisees. This is particularly the case where disputes have arisen due to a franchise having been “over-sold” with statements by the franchisor that amount to pre-contractual misrepresentations.

If you need support with a current franchise dispute, get in touch – we can help.


Roz clarified the issues for me (removed the emotion and circular arguments) which helped me work out a strategy to deal with the problems I faced with the franchisor.

Ready to get started? Arrange your initial consultation today.


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